We conduct a variety of movement models and statistical analyses to better understand the movement patterns and population dynamics of big game herds.

  • We clean, organize, and manage large and complex biological datasets, including GPS datasets containing more than 5 million locations.

  • We conduct a suite of movement models and statistical analyses including but not limited to the following: (1) time-to-event models to identify extrinsic and intrinsic variables that initiate life-history events, including migration, (2) selection functions to understand the selection/avoidance of habitat and resources (3) Net Squared Displacements, Kernel Utilization Distributions, and Brownian Bridge Movement Models to identify timing of migratory movements, seasonal ranges, stopovers use, and migration corridors, (4) survival and population models to understand current population demography and future predictions of population size.

  • We can process, extract, and analyze large spatial datasets with climate and vegetation data.

  • With a strong analytical and graphical background in ArcGIS and R, we visualize complex spatial and temporal data.

  • We create interactive maps to display a variety of spatial data using R, HTML, and CSS.

  • We have 7 years of capture experience and can facilitate large-scale capture operations to deploy GPS collars and collect biological data. We are also highly skilled at plant identification, vegetation surveys and radio telemetry.